Previous Events
Bletchley Park 2024
Bletchley Park, MK3 6EB - 20th July
Club members enjoyed a fantastic fun packed day at Bletchley Park museum and heritage attraction and of course the National Radio Centre, home of the RSGB’s GB3RS station. Check out the photos in the events gallery
Airfields on the Air 2024
Willingale Airfield, RAF Chipping Ongar - 6th & 7th April
GB0WAO Logbook
Windy conditions from Storm Kathleen made setup difficult and we were unable to use the 20-15-10 tri band beam. Nontheless the G5RV performed well and many contacts were made. Check out the photos in the events gallery
Hong Kong to Beijing Rally
A talk by Bob G3SZF - 15th March 2024
HADARS chairman Bob Frost shared his memories supporting the communications team for the HK to Beijing Rally. The event took place in September 1985 and relied on HF radio to keep teams, media and spectators informed of progress… A real tale of two cities with a twist of political intervention. Check out the photos in the events gallery
Railways on the Air 2023
GB0EOR Epping & Ongar Railway - 23rd, 24th, September 2023
GB0EOR Logbook
Operating on 2m and HF from Epping & Ongar Railway, North Weald Staion, CM16 6BT. Check out the photos in the events gallery
Field Weekend - Willingale Airfield Anniversary
GB0WAO Willingale Airfield - 19th- 20th August 2023

International Museums Weekend 2023
GB0HMG Mark Hall Barn - 17th, 18th, 24th, 25th June 2023
GB0HMG Logbook
Two great weekends promoting amateur radio to the public from participating museums around the world and a chance for a club social gathering enjoyed by members.
Check out the photos in the events gallery to see our newest members work some pile ups for the first time from all over the world!

Mills on the Air 2023
GB0TWM John Webb's Windmill - 13th - 14th May
Two more great days spent at this annual event activating special event call sign GB0TWM from John Webb’s Windmill in Thaxted, Essex. A chance for our newest members to use one of the club’s call signs to reach amateurs all over the globe.
Check out the photos in the events gallery to see our newest members work some pile ups for the first time from all over the world!

International Marconi Day 2023
GB0MGY RMS Titanic c/o HADARS - 22nd April
Amateur radio enthusiasts from around the world make contact with historic Marconi Sites. This event was held at Mark Hall Barn, using the MGY suffix, the callsign used on RMS Titanic. Over 300 contacts were made operating on HF and 2m, voice and digital modes. Check out the photos in the events gallery to see our newest members work some pile ups for the first time from all over the world!

Airfields on the Air 2023
Willingale Airfield, RAF Chipping Ongar - 1st and 2nd April
Over 250 contacts were made operating on HF and 2m over the weekend from this former RAF World War 2 airfield. Several microlight aircraft dropped into the airfield and we were visited by youngsters from the local Beaver group who were able to send greetings messages over the air. Check out the photos in the events gallery of this great annual event, giving our members the chance to work some pile ups from all over the world!

Crystal Sets with G1SDK
Mark Hall Barn - 24th March 2023
HADARS member, Sid G1SDK presented an inspiring talk about his love for crystal sets and displayed some of the many he has made, demonstrating how components have changed over the years. Our regular Friday club night at the Barn is an opportunity for members to showcase their particular interest, radio related or otherwise to club members. Check out the photos in the events gallery and get in touch if you would like to join us.

World Radio Team Championship
Mark Hall Barn - 24th February 2023
Great talk from Mark M0DXR, outlining an opportunity for England to host this prestigious amateur radio event which is held once every four years in July 2026. If the organising committee, led by Mark, is successful in it’s bid, members from HADARS will make up part of the 200 strong volunteer support group. Get in touch and join us.

Vintage Radio Demonstration
Mark Hall Barn - 23rd January 2023
Newest HADARS member, David M0IDF presented a fascinating showcase of military and vintage radios at the Barn on our regular Friday club night. Check out the photos in the events gallery and drop us a line if you’re interested in becoming the next newest member of our growing club.

Railways on the Air
North Weald Railway - 24th and 25th September 2022
On the 24th and 25th of September we operated from North Weald railway station on the Epping & Ongar railway using the call of GB0EOR for railways on the air weekend. Over 250 contacts were made. Annual events such as these gives our members a chance to “bust some pileups”, competing with some big stations around the world. Drop us a line if you are interested in joining the club.

Radio Masterclass - Hoddesdon
Robert Barclay Academy - 5th July 2022
On 5 July the committee and Ed (trainer) ,Colin (G0MGU), Mike (G7OBS), Bob (G3SZF), Dave(2E0KKD) and Ed (M0KSD) ran, in conjunction with Robert Barclay Academy, Hoddesdon a Radio Masterclass for twenty Year 7 pupils.
During the first part of the morning, ten pupils rotated around four workshops experiencing morse, satellite, voice and data communication while the other ten individuals successfully built their own, one chip, digital FM radio. After two hours, the two groups swapped over so that, by the end of the morning, all the pupils had built their own working radio and been involved in making a number of contacts and tried their hand at morse. Altogether over fifty confirmed QSOs were made using VHF, HF and data modes.
Each pupil was presented with a certificate of achievement for completing all the activities, as well a printed QSL card for the special event call used on the day (GB0RBA).

Airfield on the Air - Chipping Ongar
GB0WAO RAF Chipping Ongar - 14th and 15th May 2022
We operated from ex RAF Ongar with the call of GB0WAO to celebrate 79 years since it became operational by USAF 387th bombardment group using Martin B-26 Maraudars.
Royal Air Force Chipping Ongar or more simply RAF Chipping Ongar is a former Royal Air Force station located 2 miles (3.2 km) northeast of Chipping Ongar; about 20 miles (32 km) northeast of London.
Opened in 1943, it was used by both the Royal Air Force (RAF) and United States Army Air Forces (USAAF). During the war it was used primarily as a bomber airfield. After the war it was closed in 1959 after many years of being a reserve airfield.
Today the remains of the airfield are located on private property being used as agricultural fields.

Mills on the Air - Thaxted
GB0TWM John Webb's Windmill - 7th and 8th May 2022
Two great days spent in Thaxted where the weather was more kind to us this year than last. More than 250 contacts made on HF and 2 Mtrs.
Built in 1804, John Webb’s Windmill is a tower mill and is the only remaining windmill in Thaxted. This windmill is the largest and most advanced of all the Thaxted mills and it worked for a hundred years. Built to satisfy a growing demand for flour at a time of agricultural expansion, it was constructed from local materials, with the bricks being made and fired half a mile away in the Chelmer valley. John Webb owned the farmland on which the mill was built.
Unfortunately, due to restoration work, John Webb’s Windmill will not be open to the public until further notice.

JOTA Weekend - Harlow
GB5HDS - HADARS Clubhouse - 16th and 17th October 2021
Over the weekend of the 16th and 17th of October, G6UT (Harlow & District Amateur Radio Society) operated from their club QTH, using the call of GB5HDS for JOTA weekend.
The event was attended by Cubs and Scouts from the Harlow area working towards their communications badge and a total of 139 contacts were made operating on 2m, 20m and 40m all visitors exchanging messages over the air. . The best DX was to VK (Australia).
All of the visitors exchanged voice messages over the air and also had a go at morse code.

Railways on the Air - North Weald
GB0EOR North Weald - 25th and 26th September 2021
This event came from the Epping and Ongar Railway
We made a total of 276 contacts over the 2 days mostly on 40m to areas such as the United States, Russia and Australia.

Field Weekend - Lower Sheering
G6UT Lower Sheering - 7th and 8th August 2021
Over a very wet weekend at New House Farm, HADARS held a field event and BBQ for members at a farm in Lower Sheering Essex. Although band conditions was not to good and wall to wall contesting, operating took place on all bands from 80 meters to 70cms.
Some members braved the elements and camped over night.

Museums on the air - Harlow Museum
GB0HMG Harlow Museum - 19th - 20th & 26th - 27th June 2021
The museum is located in the Mark Hall area of Harlow and its collections are housed within the stable block of the former Mark Hall Manor – visited on three occasions by Queen Elizabeth I.
Since its temporary closure during 2020, the museum has reopened with new exhibits. The ‘Movers and Shapers: the Harlow Makers’ gallery focuses on individuals who have made a difference in Harlow and beyond, while the ‘New Town’ gallery explores Harlow post WWII to more recent years.
The John Collins Cycle Collection includes everything from one of the first bicycles made in England to the iconic Raleigh Chopper – and everything in between!
The site is also home to the beautiful 17th century walled gardens, which earned a Green Flag Award in 2020 and make a perfect picnic spot in the spring and summer.

Airfields on the Air - RAF Hunsdon
GB0HAF Hunsdon Airfield - 22nd and 23rd May 2021
Celebrating 80 years in May of Hunsdon becoming operational.
Operation was from 09.30 am on Saturday and 10.00 am on Sunday. HF and 2M
More details on the Airfield history here.
The airfield is located between Hunsdon and Hunsdonbury. Coming from the A414, take the Church Lane exit to Hunsdon. Follow this for just over a mile to Hunsdonbury. Keep following as the road becomes Acorn Street. The entrance will be a further 400 yards on the right-hand side.

Mills on the Air - Thaxted
GB0TWM John Webb's Windmill - 8th and 9th May 2021
The windmill was built in 1804 for John Webb, a local farmer and landowner, to satisfy the increasing demand for flour both locally and in London.cIt was constructed using local materials, with timber from two local farms and bricks made at a nearby location in the Chelmer Valley also owned by John Webb.
The mill was always worked by millers named Lowe or John Webb, thus gaining its names. The mill was last worked commercially in 1910. The mill was disused for over twenty years until the Thaxted Civic Trust carried out essential repairs and made the structure waterproof. The lower floors were used as a scout hut. The mill passed into the ownership of Thaxted Parish Council in the 1950s. The Thaxted Society, formed in 1964, has been instrumental in the restoration of the mill to full working order