Friday Club Meeting

HADARS Clubhouse Mark Hall Barn, First Avenue, Harlow, Essex, United Kingdom

Come along to our Friday evening club meetings. Members £3 and visitors welcome for free for the first 3 visits.

Airfields on the Air (TBC)

Willingale Airfield Willingale Airfield, Chipping Ongar, Essex, United Kingdom

Airfields on the Air is organised by the Royal Air Force Amateur Radio Society (RAFARS). RAFARS exists to promote and foster amateur radio activities within the Royal Air Force and through Amateur Radio, to maintain and foster the close bonds that exist between radio amateurs serving in the Royal Air Force and those who have retired from, or have […]

International Marconi Day

HADARS Clubhouse Mark Hall Barn, First Avenue, Harlow, Essex, United Kingdom

International Marconi Day is observed annually on the Saturday closest to April 25, which is the birth date of Guglielmo Giovanni Maria Marconi, inventor of the radio. Communication satellite are merely radio repeaters in space, receiving an uplinked signal, and re-transmitting back to earth. We will be operating with the Special Call sign of - […]